
The Jesuit Schools Network is eager to encourage a spirit of inquiry across the many layers of our work in Jesuit education. 


Ignatian Inquiry: A Definition

The JSN envisions our particular brand of Ignatian Inquiry to be the art of inquiry as seen through our Ignatian lens; asking questions and exploring issues that matter in our schools through the frame of our shared Jesuit mission.


Ignatian Inquiry

At the JSN, we are eager to encourage a spirit of inquiry across the many layers of our work in Jesuit education. We seek to create space to connect virtually and in person to engage in conversation and learn about the good work that is going on across our schools in North America.

About Our Virtual Ignatian Inquiry Sessions

The JSN is eager to encourage a spirit of inquiry across the many layers of our work in Jesuit education. With our Virtual Ignatian Inquiry Sessions we seek to promote content-based resources for the schools and tell the stories of our schools and the educators in them. 

Virtual Ignatian Inquiry Sessions

The JSN hosts and records regular Virtual Ignatian Inquiry Sessions where initiatives, programs and ideas from around the world of Jesuit education are explored and shared across the Network.


The JSN has developed a professional development course called JSN LEARN which features online, asynchronous module “courses” adapted from our annual Ignatian Inquiry After School Virtual Symposia.

The Ignatian Inquiry Podcast

The JSN creates and records The Ignatian Inquiry Podcast, encouraging timely conversation on issues of interest among our member schools.

Virtual Symposia

The JSN offers virtual symposia on timely issues of the day, gathering educators from around the Network to engage in conversations that are relevant to the work of our member schools.

Summer Master Class

The JSN facilitates cohorts of Ignatian Educators from across the network who engage together in virtual Master Class learning, enlivening our collective mission of forming Ignatian Educators as reflective practitioners.


Network Surveys

The Jesuit Schools Network offers its member schools access to three different evaluative tools:

  • The SPS II
  • The IGNIS
  • The SBSR

Inquiry Resource Library

Annual Report

On a yearly basis, the Jesuit Schools Network compiles crucial data from our member schools in our JSN Annual Report. The report examines our faculty, staff and student populations from a number of different perspectives and provides member schools with comparative data about who we are and how we go about this shared mission of Jesuit education.

Published Works

The JSN has maintained an archive of published documents related to Jesuit education, as well as Presidential Transition materials.

Practitioner Research

There is an ever-growing collection of current empirical research available on Jesuit schools in North America. As a resource to our member schools, the JSN has created a library of doctoral dissertation studies that represent the primary form of practitioner research over the past decade. 

Published Works

The JSN maintains an archive of recently published works by members of the Jesuit Schools Network Community.  

Pop-Up Surveys

The JSN partners with the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) of Georgetown University to conduct brief Pop-Up Surveys for the Network. These Pop-Up Surveys are initiated to gauge temperature-checks on timely issues of the day that are relevant to our member schools. 

Kristin Cully

Kristin Cully

Director of Inquiry and New Ventures

If you have questions regarding JSN inquiry programs and resources, please contact me.