Ignatian Colleagues Gathering

Mission Formation Officers

April 16-19, 2024

Hotel Rumbao San Juan a Tribute Portfolio by Marriott

(Formerly named Sheraton Old San Juan Hotel)

San Juan, PR



Welcome to JSN’s 2024 Mission Formation Officers Ignatian Colleagues Gathering (ICG) landing page.

To Spread the Fire Jesus Came to Bring 

The Society of Jesus is born to spread the fire Jesus came to bring, It is born to be sent to inflame everything with the love of the one who gave his life for the reconciliation of all things in Him. (“Sent to Collaborate in the Reconciliation of All Things,” 2023)

Contemporary Jesuit schools live in what Pope Francis calls a “change of epoch.” Like Ignatius and his companions, we are called “to set fire upon the earth” especially in times of change. During their time together in San Juan, Mission Formation Officers will consider the value dialogue holds in strengthening a Jesuit school’s Catholic identity, especially as the demographics of religious affiliation change and students of a diversity of religions and faith traditions, or no religious affiliation, join us. We will then consider various initiatives that promote adult formation-for-mission within our school communities, especially as newer colleagues who may not have a background in Jesuit education or Ignatian spirituality join our school communities.

Day One Theme: Jesuit Schools are committed to being Catholic and to offer in-depth faith formation in dialogue with other religions and worldviews (A Living Tradition,” Global Identifier #1)

Day Two Theme: Jesuit Schools are Committed to Life Long Learning  (“A Living Tradition,” Global Identifier #10) 

We hope Dialogue and Formation-for-Mission will support and inspire our companions to continue “inflaming everything with Christ’s love,” especially in the midst of these changing times.

Colleague Group: This ICG is designed for those in a school whose primary role is to promote the school’s Jesuit mission and Catholic identity. In some cases, this is the VP for Mission and Identity, in others it is the Director of Mission and Identity, and still in others it is a person, or a group of people designated to coordinate Mission and Identity programming. Schools are encouraged to send at least one Mission and Identity representative to the ICG and may send others they determine to be key colleagues in the mission formation effort.


The registration fee for the 2024 Mission Formation Officers ICG is $950, which covers all related costs of the gathering (including all facets of facilitating the multi-day program, group meals, companionship, meeting spaces, materials, technology, the local school visit, etc.). Hotel accommodations are made separately and will be billed directly to the participant by the hotel.

Registration for this event is now closed. 

Planning Group

  • Annalise Brower – Director of Mission and Spirituality, Washington Jesuit Academy, WDC
  • Ciara Beuster – Global Community Associate Director, Educate Magis, Galway
  • Terri Cote – Principal, Mother Teresa Middle School, Regina
  • Gretchen Crowder – Campus Minister, Jesuit College Preparatory School, Dallas
  • Elliott Gualtiere – Dean of Mission and Ministry, Fairfield Preparatory School, Fairfield
  • Ann Holmquist – Vice President for Mission, Loyola High School, Los Angeles
  • J.P. Mancini – Director of Mission and Formation, Loyola High School, Montréal
  • *Brendan O’Kane – Director of Ignatian Mission and Identity, Loyola Blakefield
  • Jesús Quintana, Director de Pastoral, Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola, San Juan
  • Cindy Reopelle – (Retired) Principal of Gonzaga Preparatory School, Spokane
  • Sean Sanford – Director of Mission, Office of Ignatian Spirituality (UEA), NYC
  • Jordan Skarr – Assistant to the Provincial for Parish and Retreat Ministries (UMI), Chicago
  • *Bob Stephan – Director for Ignatian Formation and Adult Spirituality, Loyola High School, Los Angeles
  • *Damian Zynda – Director of Mission and Ministry, McQuaid Jesuit, Rochester

*Planning Committee Coordinators

If you have questions or suggestions as we prepare for our Mission Formation Officers ICG, please contact:

Bob Reiser, S.J. | jccuseced@jesuits.org
Executive Director
Jesuit Schools Network


The materials from and agenda of this ICG are located in the Mission Formation Officers Community Group hosted by Educated Magis

      Event Registration

      Registration for this event is now closed. 

      Reserve Your Hotel Room

      Registration for this event is now closed.